企业服务 & 培训
CCE与经济和全球网络赌博平台发展组织合作,更好地为三县地区的雇主服务. As businesses expand and diversify to remain competitive, 了解当地商业社区的脉搏,使CCE能够在培训方法上积极主动,以需求为导向. In response to ever-changing workforce needs, CCE offers a variety of services for employers, 包括;
- Assisting employers with customizing training, 包括开发课程和培训培训师的部署策略.
- 促进密歇根州新就业培训计划,为符合条件的雇主提供免费培训机会. 目前, CCE manages more than $4 million in agreements.
- Identifying training needs and offering company-specific solutions, 例如为学徒计划提供信息或转介相关的社区资源和服务.
- Working with workforce organizations to identify additional resources, such as funding opportunities or U.S. 劳工部联系.
我们的全球网络赌博平台培训团队将与您一起制定适合您的时间表和培训需求的培训计划或课程. CCE can provide training at your preferred location, either at your facility or on campus, and can provide laptops for company on-site training.
Customized training categories include:
- 制造技能
- 信息技术
- 质量/环境/安全
- Cad / Cam / Plm
- 领导/管理技能
- 全球网络赌博平台管理
- 客户服务
- 物流与供应链
- 员工评估
- 定制的课程
For additional training options or to discuss your specific needs, e-mail Corporate and 继续教育 at
Michigan New Jobs 培训 Program
受过良好教育和训练有素的员工对于在当今竞争日益激烈的全球市场中竞争至关重要. 全球网络赌博平台与密歇根州新工作培训计划(MNJTP)合作,为雇主提供竞争优势和训练有素的全球网络赌博平台. 目前, CCE manages over 4 million in MNJTP contracts, providing training for over 300 new positions.
- Reduce the cost of staff expansion
- 新员工培训
- 定制培训计划
- Increase productivity and employee satisfaction
- Improve quality, profitability and customer satisfaction
- Highly specialized customized training
- 课程 at public or private training institutions
- 在线课程
- Skill assessment, testing and certification
- 培训 equipment, materials, and supplies
- Development of customized courses and materials
- 行政管理支出
To begin the process, eligible employers should e-mail
What is the purpose of the Michigan New Jobs 培训 Program (MNJTP)?
根据MCL 389.161 – 389.166, 雇主可以根据密歇根新工作培训计划为新雇员获得新工作培训. Designed as an economic development tool, MNJTP授权社区大学与在密歇根州创造新工作和/或扩大业务的雇主合作,为新雇用的工人提供所得税代扣代扣,用于资助这些新职位的各种培训和员工发展需求.
有了这个程序, 与培训相关的债务通过转移新员工的预扣税来偿还给学院. 换句话说, 培训新员工的资金本应支付给州政府. No new additional money is spent to cover the costs of training, offering employers virtually cost-free training of new employees.
- 雇主应与全球网络赌博平台联系,以探索他们可用的可能性并确定资格.
- 双方将签订名为“意向书”(Letter of Intent)的初步协议,以“设定时间”并锁定新员工加入全球网络赌博平台的日期,并报销培训费用. 如果学校或雇主决定不继续,这些初步协议可以取消. This non-binding agreement puts you in the queue, as the system is based on a first come, 先得制.
- 全球网络赌博平台将与雇主合作,确定他们的培训需求,并计算MNJTP提供的资金数额.
- 一旦资金到位,全球网络赌博平台将与雇主签订合同. 全球网络赌博平台将与雇主合作建立现收现付的报销模式.
- 雇主将开始从州政府转移新雇员的预扣税, sending them to 杰克逊的大学.
- 培训完成后,全球网络赌博平台将把州预扣税退还给雇主.
Who is considered an eligible employer?
If you are engaged in business and have employees in the 状态 of Michigan, 你可能有资格利用密歇根新工作培训计划. 密歇根州的雇主可以根据该计划与全球网络赌博平台达成协议,如果他们在该州创造新的就业机会:
- Are full-time, in a new, existing or expanding business of the employer;
- Are not jobs of recalled workers, 更换工作, 或在协议签订之日之前一年内,雇主的业务中存在的任何其他工作;
- Are new jobs that pay at least 175 percent of the minimum wage; and
- 新工作是否会给雇主带来就业的净增长.
What type of training services and program costs can be funded using the MNJTP?
- Adult basic education and job-related instruction;
- Developmental, readiness, and remedial education;
- Vocational and skill-assessment services and testing;
- 培训 facilities, equipment, materials, and supplies;
- Subcontracted services with public universities and colleges in this 状态, private colleges or universities, 或者任何联邦政府, 状态, or local departments or agencies; and
- Contracted or professional services.
How is the loan 量 determined?
A: Below is a sample calculation for training agreements based on a 4.35 % 状态 income tax for a 3-year period.
公司 新员工要接受培训 新员工时薪 新员工的年薪 Aggregate Annual Incremental Income Tax Capture of new hires* 马克斯. 量
这是可以借用的公司 50 $15 $31,200 $67,860 $203,580 B公司 25 $25 $52,000 $56,550 $169,650 公司C 10 $20 $41,600 $18,096 $54,288 *可借用于培训的最高金额是通过计算每年的增量所得税捕获和协议的长度来确定的.
全球网络赌博平台致力于支持雇主开发和维护高质量的学徒计划. 我们有能力维护行业标准并提供全面的相关贸易指导(RTI)。, 我们确保您的学徒接受教育和培训,他们需要在他们的行业出类拔萃.
We can offer apprenticeship programs in a variety of occupations, providing tailored instruction to meet the specific needs of your industry.
我们的团队可以帮助您的学徒计划获得美国认证.S. 美国劳工部(USDOL), 提供一个简化的程序,以满足所有监管要求,并获得官方认可.
有关全球网络赌博平台如何支持您的学徒计划的更多信息, please contact Amber Collins at CollinsAmberL01@jccmi.Edu或517.507.4448.
Let us help you build a skilled workforce for the future.